Friday, January 14, 2011

Letter from a Big

"There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in." 
Deepak Chopra

Check out what it is like to be a Big Sister! From one of our volunteer mentors, here is the story of a very special "match."

I think being a mentor is one of the most rewarding things a person can do. What could be better than making a direct impact on a youngster's life? My "Little" and I were matched in February of 2010. She is a sweet, creative 10 year old and we have many interests in common. I believe having similar hobbies is a plus and a good foundation for a pairing. We do craft projects and bake together. Each experience is an opportunity to learn. Following directions and learning procedures are good life lessons. Big Brothers Big Sisters has many functions and we try to attend as many of those as possible. My goal is to plan something special each time we are together, but honestly, my eureka moment was when we were sitting together watching for manatees. We talked for hours about everything and nothing. I looked at her and realized, this is what it is all about. Spending time enjoying each other's company.

I have noticed positive changes in my Little over the year. When we met she was reluctant to read. In fact, she would avoid it if possible. I have not pushed the issue, but try to incorporate some kind of practice into our outings. It could be reading a recipe or even the outside of a video game box, everything counts. She really surprised me recently when she decided to write an essay about a day we had spent together! I am so happy to see that she feels more comfortable with her reading and writing skills.

Our relationship has grown also. We liked each other from the beginning, but over the last months she has become very affectionate. I try to remind her often what a great girl she is and how lucky I am to have been matched with her. I am sure that I get as much out of our time together as she does and look forward to being with my Little Sister for a long time. Anyone who will listen has to hear what a great experience mentoring has been for me!


Big Sister Since February, 2010

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